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Burlap and Lace Country Wedding Decorations

We have been so blessed!  We want to say thank you to our family members and friends that worked together to make our wedding celebration so beautiful.  With God at the center of our union I think everything looks brighter and more joyful!

Burlap and Lace Wedding Decorations

Our Burlap and Lace Country Style Wedding Decorations were truly a collaborative effort and I wanted to share them with you!  As farmers we wanted to incorporate elements from the farm into our wedding decor.

I love the head table back drop (which we rented) and covered with strips of cloth.  I chose several different neutral colors of fabric.  We ripped strips one to four inches wide and tied a knot around a piece of sisal twine that became the top of the back drop.

I made the Mr. and Mrs. banner by printing letters as large as I could on my home printer and then cutting them out to use for the template.  I placed the paper template on pieces of burlap and painted the letters black and strung them on another piece of twine.

The turkey farmer found small trees which he made a base for and lagged the trees to the base.  He spray painted them white and family and friends wrapped the trees tightly with white Christmas lights that I found on clearance for $1 per box!  Just remember to take some white extension cords along with you, for they can be hard to find at crunch time!

cake table and head table at country wedding
The head tables formed a U shape and the cake table was in the center.

And how about that cake?!?  I’m so proud that my mom made that beautiful cake for us!  She also bought the wood stand and servers that I will always keep and treasure!  Great cake and memory.  Thank you mom!

mr and mrs burlap banner behind head table at wedding reception
I made our Mr. & Mrs. Burlap banner to hang behind head table.

burlap and lace wedding reception
The view as you walk in the front door.

burlap banner pic
An unexpected lovely picture. I love the spacing of our faces between the banner!

The mason jars have been in our family and I borrowed some of the more modern pieces of glass to vary the height.  We did purchase about four bunches of baby’s breath to sprinkle throughout the hall on Friday before the wedding.

wedding centerpieces made of wood, corn and soybeans on burlap and lace
I wanted to use pieces that we had or could make and incorporate elements of our lives, corn, soybeans and feathers into the country wedding decorations.

corn filled vase with burlap ribbon
We borrowed these vases and filled half with corn and half we soybeans. We put one in the center of the decorations. My sister-in-law used these for decorations at our engagement party and I loved them!

country wedding centerpieces
The tea lights are turned on so the party is about to begin!

wood centerpieces
The turkey farmer sliced some logs to make the wooden coasters. He cut logs of varying sizes and heights and drilled holes for the tea lights to sit down in.

head table decorations
We used a slightly different treatment with logs and the tea lights at the head table.

head table at a wedding reception with burlap and lace decor
We had 34 chairs at the head table. There were two eight foot rounds on each side and this is how we decorated those. The bridesmaids put their bouquets in the vases.

burlap swag
My sister-in-laws rocks decorating. She used some extra sheer pieces from the back drop and burlap, worked in some lights and ta-da!

burlap swag with lights
The extra light was nice to have as the night went on.

card table decorations at wedding reception
Our card table with cloth strips and lights strewn underneath.

milk can decoration at a country wedding
My family actually used this milk can. Joe wanted a card holder that couldn’t easily be moved or knocked over, this fit the bill!

snack table with burlap and lace wedding decorations
Snack table decorations also featured burlap and lace!

snack table with cookies at a country decor wedding
The snack table complete with snacks! Joe’s aunts and my mom and friends made 1,200 cookies and they all quickly disappeared!

Wedding Dessert Table Cookies

Thanks to family members that contributed so many great cookies to our dessert table!  Favorites include:

Friends That Go the Distance!

These girls wrapped cardboard boxes with burlap and used long pearly pins to hold the burlap and lace in place.  I like how the boxes gave the table height variation.  That also allowed us to put more cookies on the table.  Access to more cookies more quickly is important people.  These girls didn’t drive from one side of the Midwest to the other for nothing.  They had purpose!

great friends!
They drove all night to get there (and back) to decorate the snack table and share in the party. Great friends!

entry table
We shared our parents’, grandparents’ and great grandparents’ wedding pictures on our entry table

I used the bucket milker from our family’s dairy farm along with some branches and glued burlap flowers onto the branches.  Our guest book sat on the table along with the man-style scrapbook that the Turkey Farmer and Little Farmer used to propose.

burlap wrapped hula hoop lights
Burlap wrapped hula hoops draped with icicle lights greeted our guests.

burlap silverware holders on large wedding reception tables
A sweet friend loaned her burlap silverware holders. We have around 300 guests attend, so we alternated silverware wrapped in doilies and tied with sisal twine and the burlap silverware holders.

kids helping decorate for wedding
These kids are true sports! The little farmer had been fixing gates in the hog barn and came straight to help decorate. The warm smile must have covered up the fragrance enough for Miss A to enjoy the visit!

Thank you to so many people that helped with ideas, made decoration, food, helped set-up, tear down and pray and support us in many more ways.  We are truly grateful!

One Comment

  1. It was our honor to be there! What a wonderful blessing to be a part of! We love you guys!

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