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10 Things Farmers Do in the Winter

Many times I’ve been asked what do farmers really do in the winter so here is a list of common winter activities on our family farm.

1-Bundle Up and Sell Some Grain

Want to know how our bank wished us Happy New Year?  The same way they always do, by sending a loan statement asking for a payment.  So, thank goodness for the grain bins storing harvest.

Never mind that your kid may be pulling your father-in-law around the yard on an old tire inter tube, somebody’s got to work.

2-Handle Some Snow

We had a week of sub zero temperatures, so I wouldn’t let our little farmer play outside for extended periods of time.  He responded by taking my cotton balls and making his own snow inside.

He was seriously shocked that I wouldn’t let him spread table salt on the “roads”.  Guess farm moms have to do some fun hating in the winter.

make snow out of cotton balls on 1/64 farm scene

Meanwhile the big farmer spent extra time unthawing waterers and caring for the animals that are outside.

3 – Taxes, Paperwork, Organization & Occasional Debates

A couple days ago my farmer helped clean up by putting new insurance cards in all of our vehicles.  He became distraught when he couldn’t find the old one OR the registration in the dash of our van.  In an effort to save our family money I keep it full of coupons.   I mean {see #1} we need to save all of the quarters we can to make those farm payments.  He thought the stash was a bit excessive, but I’m just contributing to the good of the team.

I knew the required docs were present and I was SURROUNDED by farm tax paperwork so with gritted teeth I sent him outside to look again.  He found it and in frustration proceeded to explain the benefits of “the piling system” to help organize papers.  Here’s a meme on how I feel about “the piling system”.  If you think piling stuff everywhere is organized unfriend me now, because you’re WRONG!

This pic also describes how we feel about the tax paperwork!

farmer at tax time with baby crying meme

And he’s right winter is a good time to reduce excess clutter…and expired coupons.

*We both had a laugh about the struggles.

4 – Washing Hands & Caring for Sick Kiddos

Just like everyone else with precious children at home sometimes germs set in and babies need extra holding.  That’s what kept me down on the couch long enough to write this post, a sick kiddo.

5 – Maintenance and Cleaning Equipment

Somehow the nine year old ended up in the belly of the combine helping pry out a dented grain pan.  It was logical, he fit in the tight spot easier than anyone else and he’s always up for an activity that will enable him to avoid required school reading.

Other winter work means equipment is washed, waxed and admired.   Never forget to admire your iron or your other work.

farmer in shop holding baby in front of freshly waxed New Holland combine

6 – Improve the Farm

Whether it’s adding paper and a pipe cleaner to look like real grain on your toy farm or tackling a building or repair project in the shop there’s always an improvement to make.

1/64 farm scene idea harvest new holland combine unloading into john deere tracotor and grain cart

7 – Try New Recipes

Some of us have been making a variety of new recipes and expanding our palates.  See our recent kitchen adventures here!

little farmer measuring brown sugar in kitchen

And some of us have been digging through random cupboards.  Maybe her New Year’s resolution was to reorganize the house?!?

8 – Host a Farm Bureau Meeting

We don’t invest a lot in art work for the walls, but I did pick up this sweet cooler for a birthday gift for my husband this year. We used it to cool drinks while hosting a county Farm Bureau Board Meeting.  We pay a lot of Checkoff money and membership dues to agriculture organizations.  While we can’t be involved in all of them, we try to learn how they are investing money on our behalf and participate in decision making and other activities when we can.

new holland cooler

9 – Learn a New Skill

Whether it’s learning how to measure properly while getting a jump start on a 4-H project or learning how to overhaul an engine there’s always skills for farmers to learn.  Sometimes you’ve got someone pushing or pulling you to do better and sometimes you just have to be a self starter!

little farmer using measuring cups in a kitchen

10 – Reach Out to Friends

While we’re not bored, we do have a little more discretionary time in the winter and we enjoy catching up with friends.  People matter most in this life and life is just fuller when we share it with others.  This picture was taken when a friend came to visit.  I love it!

Have you reached out to anyone to offer friendship this winter?

And when we are especially lucky we may be able to go to Disney!

Cheers to staying healthy all through the winter!

little farmer by a dairy steer doing farm chores in winter

farmer in the winter pulling a sled with a john deere gator


  1. Paula Dycus says:

    Jen- I am really enjoying your blog! You are a creative writer and inspire me to cook more often! Thank you for the new recipes!

    1. Thanks so much! We hope you enjoy the recipes!

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